Tech Awareness

  • Unmasking Bias in Algorithmic Decision-Making

    Unmasking Bias in Algorithmic Decision-Making

    In an increasingly digital world, algorithmic decision-making systems play a pivotal role in shaping our lives. From job applications and loan approvals to healthcare diagnostics and criminal justice, algorithms are now involved in critical decisions that affect individuals and society as a whole. While these algorithms promise efficiency and objectivity, they are not immune to…

  • Disinformation Dilemmas: AI’s Role in the Spread of Fake News

    Disinformation Dilemmas: AI’s Role in the Spread of Fake News

    In today’s digital age, the spread of fake news and disinformation has become an alarming global concern. The advent of social media and advanced technology has provided fertile ground for the rapid dissemination of misleading information. While disinformation has been a challenge for centuries, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in its propagation has added…